Thursday, April 30, 2020

Chapel Hill Tennis Club Weekly April 30

Dear Fellow Members of CHTC,

I hope you and those you love are safe and well. Last night, the Board voted to reopen tennis activities at CHTC effective Friday, May 1, following the period of closure requested by the Town of Carrboro. However, the pandemic and the need for caution are still very much with us. The Board’s priority is to ensure the health and well-being of all our members and staff. We will re-open with the same rules that were in place before our suspension and that are absolutely necessary for compliance with the existing orders and for minimizing the risk of viral transmission. The clubhouse, fitness center and indoor courts will remain closed. Only CHTC members will be permitted; no guests.

  • Stay Home if you are sick or if someone in your household is sick.
  • Keep a minimum of 6-feet distant from others at all times to minimize the risk of transmission.
  • Outdoor Exercise is the essential activity for which we are permitted to come to the Club – not socializing. Keep that in mind and do not linger on club grounds when you are not playing. (All moveable seating has been removed.) Remember that transmission of this virus occurs through respiratory droplets, and talking to people puts everybody at greater risk!
  • Wash your hands with soap and water before and after play. Handwashing really helps! The pool bathrooms will be open; you should detour there for handwashing on your way in and out of the club. In addition, we have finally sourced hand sanitizer (thanks, Alan!) and it will be made available for members coming to and from courts.
  • Bring your own water; water jugs have been removed.
  • Place your bags at distance from others’ bags (e.g., along the fence). Wipe down your racquet with disinfectant wipes before and after play.
  • Use a new can of balls for each match and minimize how often you touch the ball with your hands. Retrieve balls after points using your racquet and feet. Do the same for balls that come on your court from another court.
  • Don’t touch your face with your hands.

Lessons for members will also be available starting May 1 under strict rules (no more than 3 students and 1 pro on a court; no more than 2 people at a time on either side of the net; student does not touch balls; pro wears a glove on non-racquet hand.) Again, minimum 6-foot distancing must be observed at all times.

During this suspension, the staff have continued work on maintenance of the grounds and courts; everything should be looking great and ready for us to return.

Pool: We still do not know when the pool will be allowed to open. Pool preparations have been continuing during the suspension, and the health department inspection is still set for May 4; however, the health department has yet to issue guidance regarding summer pool operations, and no mention was made of pool operations in the context of the Governor’s Phases for eventual reopening of state businesses. Stay tuned.

Our club members and staff have jointly done an excellent job of creating a safe place where we can get healthy outdoor exercise playing the sport we love. But everything depends on our members continuing to play safe and keep distant. Keep it up, and stay safe and well!

Sheila Newton
President, CHTC Board of Directors

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