Tennis Programming Suspensions
1. All
Clinics suspended until at least Sunday,
April 5
2. All Weekly Mixers, which were to begin on the 30th, suspended until April 5.
3. Tennis Pros private lessons are to be outdoors only, no teaching indoors even if it rains.
4. All clinics to be removed from calendar and all pros indoor reservations to be deleted thru April 5.
5. Ongoing staff discussions with dates of resuming programming TBD.
2. All Weekly Mixers, which were to begin on the 30th, suspended until April 5.
3. Tennis Pros private lessons are to be outdoors only, no teaching indoors even if it rains.
4. All clinics to be removed from calendar and all pros indoor reservations to be deleted thru April 5.
5. Ongoing staff discussions with dates of resuming programming TBD.
In Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
The health and well-being of our members and staff is our number one priority. Our goal is to keep our Club safe for all members and provide a place for sanctuary in these times where you can still enjoy Indoor and Outdoor Tennis and Fitness.
The health and well-being of our members and staff is our number one priority. Our goal is to keep our Club safe for all members and provide a place for sanctuary in these times where you can still enjoy Indoor and Outdoor Tennis and Fitness.
Presently, the Board and Management plan on keeping the Club open operating normally. We will be stepping up our thorough cleaning efforts across the club using bleach and other disinfectants. We will continue to monitor the situation and will continue discussions. Any changes to Club operations will be communicated immediately via email.
In the meantime we offer these suggestions for your safety:
If you are not feeling well or are showing any signs of fever, coughing, runny nose, sore throat or respiratory distress, STAY HOME.
If you have traveled recently to areas that are considered outbreak clusters, or been in contact with someone who has, STAY HOME.
If anyone in your work or social circles are exhibiting symptoms or tested positive, STAY HOME.
Upon arriving at the Club, we ask that you wash your hands and use the hand sanitizer solutions located throughout the club.
Avoid unnecessary physical contact: no handshakes, fist bumps, etc...
Switch sides on opposite sides of changeovers to increase distancing
Use a fresh can of balls and avoid bringing tennis balls close to your face
Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth during play or fitness
Also - until further notice water coolers will be removed from ALL Courts. Please bring your own water or you may fill your water bottles at the filtered water machine located in the Clubhouse.
As a reminder to all, the CDC recommends the following to reduce the risk of infection:
Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. When soap and running water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands that are visibly soiled.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
In addition please follow guidance from CDC - Center for Disease Control and Prevention -
Best of Chapel Hill Sports Club
Vote for Chapel Hill Tennis Club
Planning Ahead - all FUN
details below
or TBA soon
Weekly Full Line
Up of Adult
& Junior
*See 7 Day
Forecast for
Weekly Indoor
Tennis Winter
Mon. Mar. 30 Indoor Tennis
Summer Season
Mon. Mar. 30 Free Weekly
Tennis Mixers
Wed. April 1 Summer
League Play
April - May CHTC
Singles Club
w/ Dates &
Details TBA
April 24-26 USTA / CHTC
Junior Tennis
*April 24
Courts Close
at 2:30pm -
April 25
Courts Closed
- Arpil 26
Courts Closed
most of Day*
about Courts
for Member
Play at other
Wed. April 29 Swim Team
5-7pm in the
Sat. May 2 CHTC Team
Tennis Event
*Details TBA*
Sat. May 16 Pool &
Cafe Open for
the Season
Sun. May 17 Swim Team
Date #2 in the
Mon. May 18 Swim Team
Season /
Mon. May 25 Memorial Day
Pool Party /
Tennis Social
Only / No
Guests Allowed
on Memorial
May 27
Home Swim Meet
Pools Closed*
Sat. May
30 Home
Swim Meet