Camp Director Michal “Z” Zaluski works with tennis players of all levels of play and he has nearly two decades of experience creating a fun environment for kids to learn tennis while exercising (and socializing) with peers.
Assisting “Z” with the camp management, Fitness Director Lauren Herman plans out stretching and fitness programs, and the campers make daily use of the swimming pool as well as the large play field to play games for both fin and foot. Together, Lauren and “Z” have run the SUMMER CAMP for over a decade. That consistency has allowed them to build a staff and program that not only knows what to do, but it is very proud of how well they get the job done. Tennis, swimming, fitness, and fun are our passions and we take pride in being the best.
So if you’re looking for a SUMMER CAMP, you are welcome to come check out the Chapel Hill Tennis Club. We start filling spots in February so we advise you to pop in to ensure the week you want most before it fills up. Or if you don’t have time to come by the club, visit our website at www.chapelhilltennisclub.com where you can download the enrollment brochure.