Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lauren's tips to sticking to your New Year fitness resolutions!

Each year millions of people vow to start exercising or lose those 10 pounds that crept up on them some time during the previous year.  No wonder January is the busiest month in fitness facilities.  YOU can be a more fit you in 2013...here are a few tips to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle:
  1. Schedule your exercise like any other important appointment.  Write it on your calendar each day and don't cancel!
  2. Exercise earlier in the day if possible.  Get it done so that it is not something that you may dread later and then put on the back burner.
  3. Be accountable! Exercise w/ a friend or trainer.  Find someone w/ a similar fitness goal and meet up to exercise or find a group fitness class or personal trainer to help you meet your goals.
  4. Choose a realistic fitness goal.  Whether its playing more singles or running your first 5K. These are more realistic than trying to start out training for a marathon or striving to be club champ by next month. But what great long term goals these would be!
  5. Include good nutrition as a part of your healthier lifestyle!  Reward yourself w/ things other than food! Try a fitness app for your smart phone: MyFitnessPal is a great one to help you track your calories in / out.
  6. Make exercise a habit!  If you are still active by March...you are on the road to a more fit YOU!

And by the way, no one is perfect, if you slip up and miss a workout or two, get right back to it tomorrow.  Don't wait for next January to make this next year's resolution!

Lauren Herman
Fitness Director
Assistant Tennis Director
Chapel Hill Tennis Club
919-929-5248 ext. 106

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